Spend the Moon Festival with you
Lyrics: sOTG
Composer: sOTG
Arranger: sOTG
Vocal: sOTG
Filming: sOTG
Editing: sOTG
在那天 不现实的早晨时间 终于能回到你身边
That day, that unrealistic morning time, I finally came back to you.
曾经企盼 曾经虐心 就只想再见你一面
I used to look forward to it, I used to feel my heart tortured, and I just wanted to see you again.
说好的中秋情人节 说好月圆你我就团圆
As promised on the last Moon Festival and Valentine's Day, we will reunite when the moon is full.
就降落在第一航厦 桃园
I landed in Terminal 1, Taoyuan Airport.
久别重逢竟全无喜悦 内心倒是感到厌倦些
There is, unexpectedly, no joy in meeting again after a long separation. I feel a little tired in my heart instead.
I remember it wasn’t like this when we were together before.
时钟旋转 满月逐渐微缺 也代表著不久要离别
The clock rotates and the full moon gradually fades, which also means that we will separate soon.
但感情不能勉强 只能全凭直觉
But feelings cannot be forced, they can only be based on intuition.
突然间察觉到 我后天又要搭上飞机再和你离别
Suddenly I realized that I have to get on a plane again the day after tomorrow and say goodbye to you.
心头就 这瞬间虐心难过碎成片
My heart is broken into pieces by this moment of cruelty and sadness.
为什么初见时间 没感觉要多黏你一点
Why didn’t I feel like I wanted to stick to you more when we first met?
I missed those days together again.
原谅我 因为过去的伤悲 不敢再全投入感觉
Forgive me, because of the sadness in the past, I don’t dare to fully express my feelings anymore.
于是就算很快又离别 或许心痛少了些
So even if we say goodbye soon, maybe the heartache will be less.
简而言之 缘因曾心零碎 距离给得多一点
In short, due to the heartbreaking experiences in the past, I give more distance to our love now.
却也发现 怎样都依然回转的心虐
But I also found that my heart still turns around desperation no matter what.
对不起我爱你 但缘因爱著你 于是就得离别
I'm sorry, I love you, but due to love, I have to say goodbye.
逃不掉 但剧本的结局还是你
Destiny can’t be escaped, and the ending of the script is still you.
请忘记我曾爱过 放过那段恋情
Please forget that I once loved and let go of that relationship.
I also hope you will be much better.
不再耽误你 请忘记 但 我爱你
I won’t bother you anymore, please forget me, but I love you.
雨过天晴 下一次的中秋节或许有好的消息
After the rain, there may be good news for the next Moon Festival.
By then, I’ll hear you and him talk about new topics.