Music, lyrics, vocals, mixing, cover art by SCORPIO-L
Mastered by Martin Delaney
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新单曲《This Matrix Standard》,SCORPIO-L继续通过音乐去表达他对一些社会现象的看法,而这一次要谈论的是“网络”。面对无孔不入的网络世界,他认为人们已经中毒太深,无论这个世界是否真如电影所说,是一个被输入了指令的“Matrix”,网络所带来的社会现象都足以让我们好好去反思。因此,从社交平台上的讨“赞”行为,抑或由“已读不回”所引发的FOMO焦虑症,甚至神秘阴险的“暗网”世界,都成为SCORPIO-L创作这首新歌的灵感。
文字: KK Fong
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This matrix standard
They’re keen on Google
Being fed by Zuckerberg
When value needs to be confirmed by a click
Craving your like
They’ve spent a light-year to crave your like
Individual FOMO
Or mutual poison?
They’re invited to Red Room
Browsing the loss of conscience
When value needs to be confirmed by a click
How could they pay the same recognition?
How could they gain the same virtual love?
They’ve spent a light-year to crave your like
Craving your like
They’ve spent a light-year to crave your like
Whether the networking is their spirit or it is just a kind of nonstop raider?