silence wave

音乐人 上海

Silence wave
Artists: GOOOOONG + Unitrip

在这个楚门的世界里,你可以保持沉默,也可以尝试一种新的声音,一种无法界定的声音,在颅腔中共鸣,在血液中循环,你无法听见,但却无法置若罔闻,失去所有的声音,你才能听见真实的声音, 也许它才是真正自由的存在。In the Truman’s world, You may keep silence, or you can try to make a new wave, the undefined wave, resonance in the cranial cavity, cycled in the blood, maybe you cannot hear it, but you can’t ignore it, as you will hear the truth into the silence, maybe it’s the only way to feel free.

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关于 silence wave

Silence wave
Artists: GOOOOONG + Unitrip

在这个楚门的世界里,你可以保持沉默,也可以尝试一种新的声音,一种无法界定的声音,在颅腔中共鸣,在血液中循环,你无法听见,但却无法置若罔闻,失去所有的声音,你才能听见真实的声音, 也许它才是真正自由的存在。In the Truman’s world, You may keep silence, or you can try to make a new wave, the undefined wave, resonance in the cranial cavity, cycled in the blood, maybe you cannot hear it, but you can’t ignore it, as you will hear the truth into the silence, maybe it’s the only way to feel free.