My Hero
My Hero

My Hero


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My Hero

My Hero


发表时间 2012-10-02


Once upon a time 曾几何时
not so long ago, 就在不久之前
I met a amazing girl, 我遇见一个女孩
But she said , Hey I’m not your hero, 她告诉我
Just like someone you ever know. 自己也是个普通人
But baby, I feel you could see my soul 不过我却感觉她能看透我
The one hided many years ago. 帮助我从过去的记忆追溯
also help me to find back the things I ever hold, 找到超越自己的力量
I pull myself to that sunlight can place, 她就像是我的启示录
Just like how you do mean to me. 加速我去完成自己的愿望

(come closer, 靠近我一点)
(come closer, 靠近我一点)
See into my soul 可是天阿为什么她还是离我那么远
I even think you would know 像是我的希望随时会消失
And please don’t go 可以别走吗? 可以别走吗?
See into my soul 可是天阿为什么她不能靠近我一点
I ever thought you’ll say no 该不会当说再见的时候才发现
Please listen to my sorrow, 其实她早就想说抱歉

I saw the same girl when I’m getting old , 我不知道不再下雨的河变成干涸需要多久
Although she can’t recognized me anymore, 只是当人们陆续走过, 却不再见那个女孩
and still said , Hey I’m not your hero, 我只能告诉自己天神不会总是眷顾我
Just like someone you ever know. 命运选择了我们
But baby I still love you so, 虽然我的心不服那禁锢
Because you can take away my sorrow. 却怕一不小心伤了人
That summoned long years ago since you can’t be my hero, 那被唤醒的角落只能选择再次沉睡
This time I pull myself into the wall, 让记忆尘封
Early to practice the day you won’t light on me anymore, 在那短暂交流的时光里

Take away my soul 我知道我不能走
I even think you would know 我们都还有好多梦要去实现
And please don’t go 可是你别走,
Take away my soul 带领我的心神游
I ever thought you’ll say no 可是你别走
Please listen to my sorrow, 让我感觉你的呼吸和笑容
Repeat *

My Hero

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