The Bird Catchers


经过四年的人事变迁,神秘的 The Bird Catchers 终于在 2012 年 11 月成军,以完美面貌示人。由 Baller (鼓手/ 敲击)、Kevin (低音结他手/ 和音)、Susan (主音结他手/ 合成器) 和 Wynne (主音/ 节奏结他) 组成;四位 catchers 受独立摇滚、电子音乐、爵士乐等不同的风格影响,喜欢将不同元素共冶一炉,他们并没有特定的音乐风格,就像深夜的黑猫一样,时而冷酷神秘、时而热情奔放,不停为大家带来意想不到的惊喜。

After a long period of anticipation, 4 years spent quietly sharpening their kitten claws, The Bird Catchers have finally found their partners-in-crime in November 2012, and are now more than ready to strike. Comprised of Baller (Drums and Percussion), Kevin (Bass and Backing Vocal), Susan (Lead Guitar and Synthesizer) and Wynne (Vocal and Rhythm Guitar); influenced by Indie Rock, Electronica and Jazz etc., the Catchers blend a variety of music genres and have an ever-changing identity. They are compared to the cat in the dark - cold and enigmatic one second, then warm and ardent the other - …

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