post (Black Out) (2016 demo)
post (Black Out) (2016 demo)

post (Black Out) (2016 demo)

AlternativeDEMO 2016

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post (Black Out) (2016 demo)

post (Black Out) (2016 demo)

三兔 The Three Hares
三兔 The Three Hares

发表时间 2016-04-10


post (Black Out)
Written by charliesmiles, chubbybunny, mistermingo, monkeymonk

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It's a magical ball
we welcome you all
tonight we will be
sleeping under a tree
just waiting for the turtles to arrive

and in every which way we're prepared to fight
the dawn is nigh
and we'll be in the front
chanting and screaming
bleeding and feasting

the science, defiance
comply to the norm
you creature
you defeated
morbid man

so hopeless
holding onto something weak
plastic and frail
but at what cost?
do you know how much did it cost?

and you live in the clouds
but the clouds will rain
washing you down
and we'll be waiting
with forks and with knives
salivating for your luck

black out, black out
back down to the ground
you pirates
in a ghost ship
in the setting sun

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