Wish I Could
Wish I Could

Wish I Could


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Wish I Could

Wish I Could

The Tic Tac
The Tic Tac

发表时间 2015-10-02


I wish I could live with you
Be the man whom you want to live with
Found the landscape and I realized
that you already erased me from your memory book
Then I knew it's impossible
I'll let you go but I know that's a joke
drop me into a bottomless hole
When you said I'm not that man who u want to hold
I wish I could croon to you
But it seems you don't need my voice and the melody
This is the only way that
I grab the hem of your old cloth
Then I knew it's impossible
I'll let you go but I know that It's a joke
drop me into a bottomless hole
When you said I'm not that man who u want to hold
Am I a crook
what are you thought
you said goodbye
then I've been lost
and you said goodbye

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