翻开"chicken soup for the teenage soul",起初只为享受阅读,却被这烦心的创作动机所尾随,半途遇到"girl next door",看着字里行间,涌现出的单纯犹如露水般的轻盈,使我想象,在记忆中,我与我的伙伴里也有这么一段难舍的故事.memory is the precious treasure in my life !
...查看更多 收起do you remember many years ago
when we were young how we used to play together
everyday just you and me
it seems like yesterday the childhood world
of clowns and cotton candy and summer days
that never seemed to end
then we played hide and seek from 4 o'clock till dusk
*we sat outside on someone's stoop
listened to the crickets
slapped away mosquitoes
we talked about our dreams and what we would do when we grew up
unitl our mothers called us in
*but those days have gone furtively
and we grew up ,we were too grown-up
you've changed in ways i can not explain
you were like a rose that blooms before its time
and falls a victim to the february frost
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