My Heart Will Go On
My Heart Will Go On

My Heart Will Go On


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My Heart Will Go On

My Heart Will Go On


发表时间 2007-07-14


MY HEART WILL GO ON 爱无止尽    Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you, 夜夜梦见你   That is how I know you go on.   梦里你依旧深情相许    Far across the distance and spaces between us   穿越重重时空阻碍   You have come to show you go on   到我梦中诉说此爱无止尽   Near, far, wherever you are, 不管是远是近,无论你在哪里   I believe that the heart does go on 我相信你的爱永不止息    Once more, you open the door   再一次你打开我的心门    And you're here in my heart,    进驻我心   And my heart will go on.   我对你爱无止尽   Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime, 爱在电光火石间发生却永驻我心   And never let go till we're gone   终生不渝   Love was when I loved you , one true time I hold to. 你曾经拥抱我的真实一刻爱永存不息   In my life we'll always go on.   我对你爱无止尽    Near, far, wherever you are, 不管是远是近,无论你在哪里    I believe that the heart does go on  我相信你的爱永不止息    Once more, you open the door   再一次你打开我的心门   And you're here in my heart,   进驻我心   And my heart will go on.   我对你爱无止尽    You're here, there's nothing I fear,   只要你在我心间我就毫无畏惧   And I know that my heart will go on 我对你爱无止尽  We'll stay forever this way   我俩相偎相依    You are safe in my heart   你的音容笑语长存心底    And my heart will go on and on.  我对你爱无止尽

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