Eskimo Scream
Eskimo Scream

Eskimo Scream


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Eskimo Scream

Eskimo Scream

Violet Lens 绀
Violet Lens 绀

发表时间 2018-06-21


You keep breathing in circles, showing me how you can fake an Eskimo scream.
And I've been hiding in mole holes, waiting for Sun to burn the skin on the top of my head.

I knew you better then, and you made me happier.
I kept you breathing, and you made me better.
The Windows tinted like churches
Three thousand people, lined up, waiting to purchase
So I popped into the store to give you my money, oh isn't that funny

I knew you better then, and you made me scream
I walked in circles to be your Eskimo King

I kept you hungry, you kept me full,
I kept you waiting until the moon was creamsicle

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