Dreamy (Live Session)
Dreamy (Live Session)

Dreamy (Live Session)

AlternativeLive Session from ShuMei Studio

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Dreamy (Live Session)

Dreamy (Live Session)

The Whisperer
The Whisperer

发表时间 2021-04-05


主唱 / 吉他手 Vocal / Guitar:黄国斌 Kuokpan Wong
合音 / 吉他手 Chorus / Guitar:蒋希夷 Bla Bla Jiang
贝斯手 Bass:赵宇晨 Asa Chao
鼓手 Drum:王成佳 Edwin Wong

录音室 Recording Studio:ShuMei Studio
录音师 Recording Engineer:黄炳喻 Ping Yu Huang
混音师 Mixing Engineer:赵宇晨 Asa Chao

-thewhisperermo 2021-

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That shines cold
You wake up
You want to be yourself

You're thirsty
You're hungry
You want to be yourself

I want you come back
All I choose, it's not true
I want you come back
All I want, it's not you

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