Love Speeder
Love Speeder

Love Speeder

AlternativeLove Speeder

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Love Speeder

Love Speeder

Whale Done ! 鲸鱼号
Whale Done ! 鲸鱼号

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2022-11-11


Speed drifter
Don't be afraid of danger
If you wanna be the loadstar
You should take me out of the dark

Keep calm
Don't rush your fences
Waiting for a chance
Have a speed race
Who will win the game in the end

If you want
If you can catch me on camera
I'm day dreaming in the Bad Romance

Turn on the radio
And warm up for race
in the street

Chasing twilight
Slow in and fast out
Just like love

When you approaching
I turn right to evade you

Who could tell me in the night
What should I do

Speed drifter
Hold on the steering wheel
Show me
How you’re doing best
Let’s go through the hill
Don’t forget your lucky charm

Be quiet
Hold on your breath
Waiting for a shot
Have a speed race
Who will win game in the end

I'm day dreaming in the Bad Romance

Turn on the radio
and warm up for race
in the street

Chasing tail light
Slow in and fast out
Just like love

When you're closing
I turn right to evade you

Would you tell me in the night
What should I do

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